George Uriesi
George Uriesi
Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer,
Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria

George Uriesi’s career spans more than 20 years, mostly in airline and airport operations as well as the safety and economic regulation of the industry. He also spent three years in the FMCG business as a Product Supply Manager with Procter & Gamble South Africa.

In November 2004, George was appointed General Manager of Cape Town International Airport, where he led the massive transformation of the airport in preparation for the 2010 FIFA World Cup tournament, whilst establishing it as the top international award-winning airport in Africa.

At various times, he has been a member of the International Air Services Council as well as of the Economic Regulating Committee for Airports and ATC of South Africa. He has also been actively involved in the work of Airports Council International, both in the Africa Region and as a member of the World Standing Committee on Airport Safety and Technical Matters.

In January 2010 George was appointed as Director of Airport Operations at Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria (FAAN) and was named Managing Director/CEO in October 2011.

George holds a BA Hons degree and several higher professional and business qualifications. He is also a US-certified Business Coach.

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