Anne Kavanagh
Anne Kavanagh
Kavanagh Communications

Anne has specialised in Travel Retail for over 15 years, developing a unique service in her PR communications agency, Kavanagh Communications, alongside extensive experience in the European retail sector.  The award-winning agency represents all sectors of Travel Retail with a global portfolio of consumer brands, retailers, airports, border stores, service providers, airlines, cruise and railway retail from Uruguay to Singapore.

The agency’s mission is to connect clients with their own B2B and B2C customers, directly impacting commercial performance with a tailored strategic approach.  Vitally, this approach reaches beyond traditional media coverage and right to the heart of customer engagement in Travel Retail and related sectors such as airports, airlines and luxury brands.  Holistic strategies include creative use of multi-channel communications platforms (including social media), Travel Retail trade, national press and lifestyle magazines, TV and radio, digital, as well as employee engagement programmes and direct customer initiatives, including editorial input on tender programmes.

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