Anthony Chalhoub
Anthony Chalhoub
Chalhoub Group

Anthony Chalhoub is currently joint Chief Executive Officer of the Chalhoub Group and General Manager of four luxury brand distribution companies in the region: Habchi & Chalhoub, the Louis Vuitton joint venture, MAC and Fitra.

It was in 1975 that Anthony joined the Group founded and managed by his father, immersing himself in business life by moving to Kuwait where his parents had already been working for several years developing Franco-Kuwaiti relations. He worked hard to promote and gain acceptance from the prominent names in perfumes, high fashion and jewelry.

Mindful of maintaining the image of the brands that placed their trust in him and to keep France’s high profile in the Middle East; he has performed all his functions as Overseas Trade Counselor starting in 1991 and took an active part in the “France in Kuwait” exhibitions of 1991, 1994, 1996 and 2004.

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