Isabelle Dubois
Isabelle Dubois
Commercial & Customer Service Director,
Airport International Group

Isabelle moved to Jordan almost 3 years ago to contribute to the expansion of Amman International Airport, specifically in charge of all commercial developments and customer service, including the retail at the New Terminal under construction, due to open Next Summer.

A dedicated airport person, Isabelle originally joined AĆ©roports de Paris in 1992 and has been since then faithfully accompanying the great commercial changes of the Parisian group, occupying a range of positions within the travel retail division, marketing and international commercial development (Asia, Africa, Central America).

Proud to be a key element for the commercial and customer service enhancement of Queen Alia International airport, leading all current commercial tenders (from F&B to car parking as well as lounges and transit hotel) Isabelle is also intensely participating in the transfer of competencies to the local Jordanian team and leading them in structuring a comprehensive set of marketing tools to provide Amman Airport with the highest level of service.

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