Michael James Ibbitson
Michael James Ibbitson
Vice President Information and Communications Services,
Abu Dhabi Airports Company (ADAC)

ADAC is the owner and operator of Abu Dhabi Emirate Airports. Primarily comprised of Abu Dhabi International Airport, Al Ain International Airport and Al Bateen Airport, ADAC also operates a number of smaller airfields in the Emirate.

Michael’s previous experience covers a multitude of infrastructure disciplines including, Power, Rail, Roads, Waste Treatment and other reconstruction projects in environments as hostile as Iraq. It is in the area of Aviation where he has gained most of his experience, specifically working for Bechtel on the redevelopment of Curacao International Airport and New Doha International Airport.

Following exposure in the development and construction side of Aviation he moved to Mumbai International Airport following privatization of India’s 4 key airports. During his tenure the previously manually operated airport deployed a campus converged network solution, AODB and new FIDS solution, ERP solution and campus VoIP solution. Michael also project managed the International Terminal redevelopment from an IT perspective and turned IT into a revenue generator contributing back to MIAL’s bottom line.

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