Reda Metwally
Reda Metwally
Vice President – Duty Free,
Egypt Air Tourism & Duty Free Shops

Mr. Reda Metwally was appointed to the position of Vice president, responsible for the operation of the Egypt Air duty free shops in April 2010.

A career executive in Egypt Air since 1985, Reda started out in the finance division of the airline company. He was appointed Financial Manager – United Kingdom in 1995 and continued in this role until 1999 when he continued his financial career in Cairo.

During the period from 2006 until 2008 Reda was involved in the exciting activities of creating the new internal airline – Egypt Air Express. He was appointed to the board of directors and acted as a project team member as well as the Financial Manager of this new company. In October 2008 Mr. Metwally transferred to Egypt Air Tourism & Duty Free Shops Company as Financial Manager, where he contributed to the hectic programme of shop redevelopments.

In his new role as Vice president, Reda is working to improve efficiencies inside the company. He is delighted to see that in October 2010, the company achieved its best ever monthly sales of $17.6 million.

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