René Carayol
René Carayol
CEO Inspired Leaders Network,

René Carayol specialises in leadership and culture, drawing from his experiences as a senior executive and board member of some of the biggest British and American organisations; from Pepsi (UK) and Marks & Spencer to IPC Media and the Inland Revenue.  He is the best selling author of the leadership and culture bible, “Corporate Voodoo”, a regular television and radio broadcaster for the BBC and a Visiting Professor at Cass Business School.  In 2004 he was awarded an MBE for outstanding service to the business community.

René is now CEO of the Inspired Leaders Network, with operations in London, Belfast and Johannesburg. He has provided leadership support to the likes of the Prime Minister’s Strategy Unit, the Home Office and McKinsey and Co. and has worked closely with some of the world’s greatest leaders; from former US President Bill Clinton and the last Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev to the seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations Kofi Annan and former US Secretary of State Colin Powell.

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